Offeree companyTopcall International Aktiengesellschaft (FN 91520 p)
OfferorEDC Investment Limited
Acceptance period02 Sep to 12 Nov 2004, n.a.
Offer priceEUR 4.28 per share of Topcall International Aktiengesellschaft
Offer volume10,091,092 shares of Topcall International Aktiengesellschaft
Premium16.7 % (3M), 21.5 % (6M), 31.2 % (12M) basis of calculation of the original offer price (EUR 4.00)

basis of calculation of the original offer price (EUR 4.00)

(b) No bankruptcy, debt composition or reorganization proceedings have been opened against Topcall International AG until the end of the general acceptance period and the company is not dissolved or liquidated.

(c) Until the end of the general acceptance period, no changes have been made to the articles of association of Topcall International AG with respect to the share capital and voting rights.

(d) No major changes in the economic situation of Topcall International AG have occurred until the date of record 30 September 2004.

Paying agentErste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG, 1010 Vienna, Graben 21
Share held by Offeror prior to announcement of bid
