Offeree companyCEG I Beteiligungs AG in Abwicklung (FN 180036i)
OfferorGlobal Equity Partners Beteiligungs-Management GmbH, WertInvest Park Holding GmbH, Ernst Forstmayr
Acceptance period11 Jul to 25 Jul 2014, 18. hrs. Vienna local time
Offer priceEUR 3.50 per share
Offer volume131,335 shares
Premium ???
Paying agentMeinl Bank AG, Bauernmarkt 2, A-1010 Vienna
Share held by bidder prior to announcement of offer

168,665 shares, 56.22%

Official notice GZ 2013/1/4-103The obligation to make a mandatory bid is based on an official notice issued by the Takeover Commission GZ 2013/1/4-103 of 16 December 2013