Offeree CompanyBAWAG Group AG
OfferorBAWAG Group AG
Intention to make a bid pursuant to § 5 Takeover Act announced on18 Oct 2019
Notified pursuant to § 10 Takeover Act on21 Oct 2019
Bid announced pursuant to § 11 Takeover Act on25 Oct 2019
Acceptance period25 Oct to 22 Nov 2019, 17:00 hrs Vienna local time
Offer priceEUR 36.84 per Share of the Target Company
Offer volumeUp to 10,857,763 bearer shares of BAWAG Group AG
Premium5.05%(3M); -0.23%(6M); -2.11%(12M)

The Offer is subject to the following condition precedent: Between the publication of this Offer Document and the end of the Acceptance Period, the closing price of any of the two following indices is not in excess of 20% lower than its respective closing price on 21 October 2019 (as displayed on the relevant Bloomberg screen) on two consecutive trading days: 

- STOXX Europe 600 Banks Index (SX7P; ISIN EU0009658806)

- Austrian Traded Index (ATX; ISIN AT0000999982)

(see Sec. 3.8)

Paying agentRaiffeisen Centrobank AG, Tegetthoffstrasse 1, 1010 Vienna
Own shares held by BAWAG Group AG prior to announcement of offer